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Our piece of sanity, a few hours from Home.

OK, without going  into too many details like exact locations, size etc; we have several hectares of unfenced bushland that we use as a weekend retreat. It is situated several hours west of the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

I have noticed that a neighbouring property, about 20 minutes walk away, appears to do similar. Although I have never seen or heard them. Other than their "evidence of existance" there is no signs of anyone else around us for several kilometers.

Our property contains a couple of different water sources much to our amazement as we were not told this by the estate agent we purchased it from. I reckon we  have a fantastic bit of land, our paradise. Fresh air, wildlife, the peace and quiet. To quote a line from one of my wife's favourite movies ,The Castle , " Hows the serenity"

There are lots of birds like red finches, wrens and many yet to be identified, as well as the kangaroos that entertain us each morning and evening.


We have a few different camping spots to choose from, one that over looks a crayfish filled dam from about 80 meters away in a relatively clear area. The emus, wallaby and kangaroo often drink here, as well as the odd fox.

In the middle of the property we start to have a bit of a pine forest thing happening with a number of species of pine trees, White Pine, Black Pine, Conifers etc. There is a small clearing amongst the forest area that allows for us to park our vehicles  or camp in the small clearing. It is right off of the main four wheel drive track and is easily accessible compared to most other areas.

This is a great site for one tent and good for hunting or bushwalking from as it gives easy access in and is far enough away from any water to spook animals, but not too far.

Then we get into machete country where you really need to cut your way through with a machete !.

Upon getting towards the top of the property we have a water hole, there is something in there, like fish or eels we see the ripples but haven't been able to see what it is as yet. We have dropped a crayfish pot in there and come up empty, so we assume maybe eels as they would eat the crays? We'll drop a fishing line in one day perhaps and eventually find out what lurks in the depths of this water hole.

As we get into some of the gum tree areas beyond the water hole we have the remnants of a hut that was once used by someone many years ago.

There is basically only several posts left standing , the roof has caved in and trees are now growing inside. Lots of regrowth in that area but you can see it would have been an ideal location in it's day.

Maybe one day we'll get stuck into clearing it all and use it as another camping spot.

I will add to the blog after each trip with the experiences and adventures we have encountered.

One night around the fire

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